Monday, September 1, 2008

Loving those Grandparents!

Zane's parents left earlier today to head back to west Texas. We miss them already! It is amazing how well your children behave when they are with their grandparents. I have to tell everyone how wonderful I think Gee and Grandpa are! They change diapers, give baths, entertain, let Zane and I sleep in, let us take naps, and pretty much just be on a vacation at our own house! Grandpa fixes any thing that needs repairing. He mows, builds fences, puts up pergolas, cleans out the flower beds, and plays with Corbin for hours! Amazing! Gee...well let me tell you! She cooks and leaves me a spotless kitchen every night! She buys the groceries and FORMULA! She loves to take pictures and she just lets Corbin be a kid! She is inspiring to watch when she is interacting with her grandkids! Even though she and I are different in alot of ways, one thing that we have in common is that we love our children so much! What more can I say? Gee and Grandpa are the best grandparents in the world!

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About Our Family

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I am so thankful for the wonderful family that God has allowed me to have! Zane and I met in Lubbock at SAM'S CLUB! We dated for a year and then we were engaged for a year! We married on June 21, 2003. Our oldest son, Corbin, was born on June 27, 2006, and our newest addition to the family was born on June 13, 2008. SERIOUSLY, DO YOU THINK WE CAN ADD SOME MORE EVENTS IN JUNE!